Business and financial occupations are projected to grow faster than average in the coming years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
The median annual wage for financial analysts is $99,890, according to the BLS.
Hiring Organizations
Our alumni have been hired and promoted at organizations such as:
- Bank of America
- Goldman Sachs
- Prepay Nation
- SEI Investments
- Vanguard
- WSFA Bank
Job Titles
Alumni have reported holding the following positions:
- Advisor consultant
- Advisory associate
- Area manager
- Asset liability analyst
- Business analyst
- Consulting analyst
- Controller
- Data analyst
- Decision modeling & economics associate
- District manager
- Financial analyst
- Inside sales representative
- Mine engineer
- Mutual fund analyst
- Project manager
- Research analyst
- Sales development representative
- Tax associate
Want to learn more about your career field? The BLS has information on median pay, predicted job growth, number of jobs, and more. Click here to see the BLS Occupational Outlook Handbook.
For more information and help with attaining your career goals, visit our Career Management Services page.