SARI (Scholarship and Research Integrity) Program for Management Students

Penn State University is committed to promoting the responsible conduct of research and scholarship by increasing student awareness of the ethical issues that can arise in the process of writing papers and conducting original research.

In order to satisfy the Scholarship and Research Integrity (SARI) requirement for a Penn State master's degree, all graduate students in the business administration, finance, leadership development, and professional accounting programs are required to participate in five hours of discussion-based activities surrounding topics pertaining to the responsible conduct of research.

The course is delivered in an interactive format.  There are weekly assignments in the form of readings, quizzes, essays and posted peer discussion comments that must be completed by the end of each week or by the specified due date. These will be reviewed with you in more detail once the module opens in Canvas. Materials are provided within the module.

Students must be actively enrolled in their first semester or later to be eligible to enroll in SARI. Students must complete the SARI requirement to be eligible to graduate.

SARI is available in the fall and spring semesters only; it is not offered during the summer semester. We do not accept nor hold advance requests to enroll in SARI. When enrollment is open/available for one of the modules listed below, students who wish to enroll must email [email protected] and include ALL of the following information:

  • Name
  • 9-digit Penn State ID number
  • Degree Program
  • Penn State access ID (

NOTE: SARI is available in the fall and spring semesters only; it is not offered during the summer semester.

SARI Modules 2024-2025
SARI Module NameEnrollment Window OpensEnrollment Window ClosesModule BeginsModule Ends
Management SARI Fall 2024July 23, 2024October 2, 2024October 7, 2024 November 22, 2024
Management SARI Spring 2025November 12, 2024February 26, 2024March 3, 2025April 18, 2025

*Students in a concurrent program need only complete their SARI requirements for one program.

Contact the Management Division at [email protected] with additional questions regarding eligibility requirements.