Graduates from the Master of Professional Accounting program at Penn State Great Valley will obtain the skills and knowledge that will help them to succeed in a professional accounting career. Specifically, our graduates will:
- Acquire the functional knowledge of accounting and possess a solid understanding of basic accounting practices. Students demonstrate this competency by:
- Developing a deep knowledge and understanding of accounting principles, theories and concepts, and acquiring knowledge of advanced technical topics and accounting technology.
- Analyzing emerging developments and their possible effect on accounting theory and practice.
- Effectively communicate complex accounting issues. Students demonstrate this efficiency by:
- Collecting and presenting information efficiently in oral and written forms and in ways appropriate to the situation and audience.
- Be critical thinkers and have an in-depth understanding of accounting principles, theories, and concepts. Students demonstrate this competency by:
- Analyzing and using accounting data when making decisions.
- Applying advanced technical laws, regulations and standards.
- Understand professional responsibilities and ethics. Students demonstrate this ability by:
- Recognizing ethical weaknesses in accounting situations and being able to propose effective solutions to those weaknesses.
- Understanding professional responsibilities and the role of corporate governance, risk management and internal controls.
Penn State Great Valley has been recognized for our Global Program Embedded Courses, which meet the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: