Our alumni drive the businesses and organizations of southeastern Pennsylvania—they manage corporate departments, develop innovative solutions for engineering firms, and teach in regional school districts.
Together with corporate partners like Unisys, Lockheed Martin, Siemens, Ametek, and Analytical Graphics, Inc., Penn State Great Valley pursues and applies the latest management and technology research, creates leadership and training initiatives, and provides resources for numerous other organizational initiatives.
We value these community partnerships, and we rely on our alumni, friends and corporate partners to ensure the continued success of Penn State Great Valley. We invite you to get involved—tell your coworkers and friends about our programs, conduct corporate events and training sessions with us, extend opportunities to our students as they graduate, and make a gift today.
Want to join us?
Any graduate or friend of the campus may join. All you need is membership in the Penn State Alumni Association. Contact Jade Veit, alumni relations and stewardship officer, at [email protected] or 610-725-5333.