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Seed grant

2019 Seed Grant

Penn State's Institute for CyberScience awarded $367,632.20 in seed grant funds to fund back projects that promote uses of and research into machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI).

Mitch Engleka, MDE alumnus, showing undergraduate students a hinge for their capstone project

Mitch Engleka at Southco

Now a manufacturing engineer at Southco, Engleka is mentoring the current MDE students as they complete their capstone project. Here, he shows students a hinge during a site visit at the company.

Mitch Engleka showing the C3 latch from his capstone project at Southco

Mitch Engleka at Southco

Mitch Engleka shows Southco's C3 cabinet latch from his capstone project in Penn State's Bachelor of Engineering degree with the Multidisciplinary Engineering Design (MDE) option.

Nittany AI Challenge

Ten teams awarded $1,500 to move forward in the Nittany AI Challenge

Ten student teams at Penn State will receive $1,500 from the Nittany AI Alliance to move on to Phase Three of the Nittany AI Challenge. Teams competing in the challenge are directed to use the prize money to create a minimum viable product using the artificial intelligence platform of their choosing to address real-world problems facing students at the University.