Corporate Alliance Graduate Programs Tuition Reduction Form

Tuition Reduction Eligibility – Penn State Great Valley offers tuition reduction to currently employed full-time and part-time employees of its Corporate Alliance Program member companies. This tuition reduction will be applicable to all graduate programs and courses offered by Penn State Great Valley. Students who are receiving Penn State University scholarships or grants are not eligible for tuition reduction. This form must be completed and submitted to the Penn State Great Valley Bursar Office each semester that the student wishes to receive the reduction and must be received within seven (7) days from when the student registers for the course(s).

Begin typing company name to select.  If your company is not found in list, choose Other and type name in Company - Other field below.
Employment Verification and Educational Record Disclosure Agreement: By submission of this form I verify that I am or my spouse/partner is currently employed by the company stated above. I understand that verification of employment status must be submitted each semester that I enroll in courses with Penn State Great Valley by completion and submission of this tuition reduction form. I will notify the PSGV Bursar Office within 14 days of any change in my or my spouse/partner's employment status, and understand if I fail to provide notification, that I will be required to reimburse PSGV for any tuition discount received after my change in employment status. I authorize PSGV to provide educational record information to my company benefit administrator for purposes of invoicing and reporting including but not limited to courses taken, courses dropped, and financial records.

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