Allan R. Moser

Industry experience at Gulf Research, ARCO Research, DuPont, and Bristol-Myers Squibb.
Co-Founder and Vice President of Technology at Cira Discovery Science
Consultant in High Performance Computing for Biotech companies
Academic experience at Swarthmore College, Penn State Great Valley, University of Delaware, and Valley Forge Military College


  • 2019, 2009-2010 Penn State Great Valley Part Time Teaching Award for Teaching Excellence
  • 2014-2015 Penn State Great Valley Full Time Teaching Award for Teaching Excellence
  • 2013 annual Harden-Simons Prize for outstanding Computers in Education Journal paper

Editorial board memberships

  • Member of IEEE
  • Member of American Physical Society
  • Computational ! methods for engineering, physics, and biotechnology
  • Machine learning, Bayesian networks, pattern discovery, sequence analysis
  • Image & signal processing
  • Data compression
  • Multi-resolution analysis

Selected publications

L. Molter, A. Moser, “Summary of Data from the Consortium for Undergraduate STEM Success,” Appendix E in Assessing and Responding to the Growth of Computer Science Undergraduate Enrollment, The National Academies Press, Washington, DC, 2018.

C. Sulli, S. S. R. Banik, J. D. Schilling, A. R. Moser, X. Xiang, R. Payne, C. Paes, S. Willis, J. B. Rucker, B. J. Doranz, “Detection of proton movement directly across viral membranes to identify novel influenza M2 inhibitors,” Journal of Virology, October 2013, Vol. 87, No. 19, pp 10679-86.

E. Cheever, A. Moser, "Computer Guided Instruction for Creation of Root Locus Plots," Computers in Education Journal, April 2013, Vol. 23, No. 2.

A. R. Moser, H. A. Holyst, and W. T. Rogers, “Method and apparatus for representing multidimensional data,” U.S. Patent 8,214,157, U.S. Patent Office, July 3, 2012.

A. R. Moser, W. T. Rogers, and D. J. Underwood, “Method and apparatus for discovering patterns in binary or categorical data,” U.S. Patent 7,761,238, U.S. Patent Office, July 20, 2010.

R. Romero, J. Espinoza, W. Rogers, A. Moser, J. K. Nien, J. P. Kusanovic, F. Gotsch, O. Erez, R. Gomez, S. Edwin, S. Hassan, “Proteomic analysis of amniotic fluid to identify women with preterm labor and intra-amniotic inflammation/infection: The use of a novel computational method to analyze mass spectrometric profiling,” Journal of Maternal and Fetal Medicine, Vol. 21, No. 6, June 2008.

W. T. Rogers, A. R. Moser, H. A. Holyst, A. Bantly, E. R. Mohler III, G. Scangas, and J. S. Moore, “Cytometric Fingerprinting: Quantitative characterization of multivariate distributions,” Cytometry Part A, Vol. 73, No. 5, May 2008.

K. A. Kosanovich, A. R. Moser, and M. J. Piovoso, “A new family of wavelets: the Poisson wavelet transform,” Computers and Chemical Engineering, Vol. 21, pp. 601-620, 1997.

K. A. Kosanovich, A. R. Moser, and M. J. Piovoso, “Poisson wavelets applied to model identification,” Journal of Process Control, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 225-234, August 1995.

W. T. Rogers, A. R. Moser, and J. S. Schwaber, “Digital brain atlas for neuroanatomical data comparison and integration,” book chapter in Three-Dimensional Neuroimaging (Ed. A.W. Toga), Raven Press, New York, New York, ISBN:0-88167-578-4, pp. 123-148, 1990.

B.A., Mathematics, University of Texas at Austin

B.S., Physics, University of Texas at Austin

M.S., Physics, Purdue University

Ph.D., Physics, Purdue University