Become a Sponsor

Sponsorship Details and Benefits
Presenting Sponsor: Fulfilled

- Recognition as a Presenting Sponsor prominently displayed at tournament and on Penn State Great Valley website
- Signage prominently displayed on two tee boxes
- Golf for two foursomes, includes lunch and dinner
- Inclusion in golf outing feature article to appear on Penn State Great Valley homepage and social media

Blue & White Sponsor: $5,000

3 Sponsorships Available

- Signage prominently displayed on two tee boxes
- Recognition as a Blue & White Sponsor prominently displayed at tournament and on Penn State Great Valley website
- Golf for one foursome, includes lunch and dinner
- Inclusion in golf outing feature article to appear on Penn State Great Valley homepage and social media

Dinner Sponsor: $5,000

1 Sponsorship Available

- Signage prominently displayed at dinner and on one tee box
- Recognition as Dinner Sponsor on Penn State Great Valley Website
- Golf for one foursome, includes lunch and dinner
- Inclusion in golf outing feature article to appear on Penn State Great Valley homepage and social media

Swag Sponsor: Fulfilled

- Company logo prominently featured on event giveaway
- Signage prominently displayed on one tee box
- Recognition as Swag Sponsor on Penn State Great Valley Website
- Golf for one foursome, includes lunch and dinner
- Inclusion in golf outing feature article to appear on Penn State Great Valley homepage and social media

Lunch Sponsor: Fulfilled

- Signage prominently displayed at lunch
- Recognition as Lunch Sponsor on Penn State Great Valley Website
- Golf for one foursome, includes lunch and dinner
- Inclusion in golf outing feature article to appear on Penn State Great Valley homepage and social media

Cocktail Hour Sponsor: Fulfilled

- Signage prominently displayed at cocktail hour
- Recognition as Cocktail Hour Sponsor on Penn State Great Valley Website
- Golf for one foursome, includes lunch and dinner
- Inclusion in golf outing feature article to appear on Penn State Great Valley homepage and social media

Golf Cart Sponsor: $3,000

1 Sponsorship Available

- Signage prominently displayed on all golf carts
- Recognition as Golf Cart Sponsor on Penn State Great Valley Website
- Golf for one foursome, includes lunch and dinner
- Inclusion in golf outing feature article to appear on Penn State Great Valley homepage and social media

Beverage Cart Sponsor: Fulfilled

- Signage prominently displayed on roving beverage cart during event
- Recognition as Beverage Cart Sponsor on Penn State Great Valley Website
- Golf for one foursome, includes lunch and dinner
- Inclusion in golf outing feature article to appear on Penn State Great Valley homepage and social media

Contest Sponsor: $2,500

3 Sponsorships Available

- Signage prominently displayed at contest area
- Recognition as Dinner Sponsor on Penn State Great Valley Website
- Golf for one foursome, includes lunch and dinner
- Inclusion in golf outing feature article to appear on Penn State Great Valley homepage and social media

Hole Sponsor: $2,500

6 Sponsorships Available

- Signage prominently displayed on one tee box
- Recognition as Hole Sponsor on Penn State Great Valley website
- Recognition as Swag Sponsor on Penn State Great Valley Website
- Golf for one foursome, includes lunch and dinner
- Inclusion in golf outing feature article to appear on Penn State Great Valley homepage and social media

Patron: $200

- Signage prominently displayed on one tee box
- Recognition as a Patron on Penn State Great Valley Website

Select a Sponsorship Level
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Payment Options
Please select a payment option and click 'Submit' to send us your sponsorship pledge. Full instructions for making your payment are provided below.