Title IX is a federal law that prohibits discrimination based on sex in educational programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance. All forms of sexual or gender-based harassment, including but not limited to, dating and domestic violence, stalking, and sexual assault are violations of Title IX. It protects individuals of all genders and sexual orientations and applies to students, faculty, staff, independent contractors, campus visitors, and other participants in University educational programs and activities.
Penn State has designated a Title IX Coordinator who is specially trained to work with individuals who report sexual misconduct and provide information about resources, support services, and procedural options.
You can make a report at any time. However, you are encouraged to make a report as soon as possible after an incident. All reports are treated with the high level of seriousness and sensitivity they deserve.
For questions and information on ways to make a report online, go to https://universityethics.psu.edu/our-expertise/title-ix/report.