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People waiting at a subway station

Subway station

Researchers at Penn State aim to help minimize the risk of COVID-19 spread by identifying specific subway stations in which intervention resources — such as setting up testing sites, allocating additional personnel to disinfect frequently touched surfaces in subway stations, and distributing masks and hand sanitizer — could be of greatest benefit.

Headshots of Ashkan Negahban, Omar Ashour, and Sabahattin Gokhan Ozden

NSF grant

From left to right: Ashkan Negahban, assistant professor of engineering management at Penn State Great Valley; Omar Ashour, associate professor of industrial engineering at Penn State Behrend; and Sabahattin Gokhan Ozden, assistant professor of IST at Penn State Abington received a three-year, $831,276 grant from the National Science Foundation for their research on immersive simulation-based learning modules.