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Lions Pantry exterior

Students use The Lion's Pantry as a prototype to help fight hunger nationwide

For some students on the Penn State University Park campus, hunger is a primary concern each day. The Lion’s Pantry was created to address this concern by providing food and supplies to students so they can shift their attention from food insecurity to being a student. This semester, two teams of students brought together by the Nittany AI Challenge are taking that strategy a bit further to include a plan to balance nutritional needs of students while eliminating food waste in the community. They are making this vision a reality by combining their efforts with The Lion’s Pantry to design prototypes that can assist food banks on a national scale to further serve their clients and communities.
Nittany AI Challenge 2021

Twenty student teams selected to compete in the 2021 Nittany AI Challenge

Twenty Penn State teams with students from seven different colleges and six campuses, including Penn State World Campus, will each be awarded $500 to compete in the Prototype Phase of the 2021 Nittany AI Challenge. Teams were selected based on their potential for positive impact on the world, all using AI for Good to develop solutions that address real-world challenges in education, environment, health and humanitarianism.
Lion Shrine Close-up

Penn State provides update on teaching modes for summer and fall 2021

Penn State is planning a phased return over the summer semester to a full on-campus learning environment for fall 2021. The University’s priorities continue to be the health and well-being of its students, faculty, staff and local communities, and the plans for expanded in-person classes have the flexibility built in to quickly respond to changing pandemic conditions, if necessary.